Enroll Now For Just $27

Are you ready to love parenthood as much as you love your kid?

Hey there, tired parent...

A self-paced online course and private community for physically and emotionally exhausted parents who want to feel more joy and confidence in your parenting journey.

Do you ever find yourself wondering how other parents make it look so easy?

You aren’t 100% sure what you thought parenthood would feel like, but you certainly didn’t think it would feel like this.

  • You’re constantly exhausted and emotionally depleted from the never-ending demands of parenting, struggling to be present with your kids and enjoy your life.

  • Your to-do list of chores and responsibilities feels endless, like there’s never enough time. You feel like you're missing out on quality time with your kids and much-needed time for yourself.

  • The stress of parenting is making it hard to feel connected to your partner. You don’t want to feel resentful, but it often seems like you’re the one doing it all—or at least more than your fair share.

  • You’ve lost touch with the person you used to be. You know you need to make time for yourself—and you want to! But making it happen? It feels nearly impossible.

You love your kid but…

Let's get vulnerable for a second. You're here because...

You're not sure you love parenting.

You love your kids and wouldn’t trade them for anything, but you also want to feel like more than just someone's parent. And you’re tired of going through the motions, waiting for things to get better or easier.

  • You want to feel more present and connected with your kids, to create more quality family time you genuinely enjoy without feeling pulled in a million directions.

  • You want to feel more connected to your partner, better supported, and less alone by learning how to share the stress and responsibilities of parenting and getting better at communicating your feelings and needs.

  • You want to take time for yourself so you can be a better version of yourself and a better parent. You want to make time for the things you enjoy without feeling guilty, so you can feel more like yourself again.

  • You want to get better at navigating the ups and downs of parenthood so you can show up as the parent you want to be, with grace for yourself and patience for your kids, instead of yelling, snapping, or feeling like you’re about to explode.

You just want to enjoy your life again.

If you’re anything like me, you were raised to face hard days and tough feelings with grit and determination, believing that the best way to deal with difficult emotions is to push them down and keep going. But research—and likely your own experience—shows that doesn’t work.

Showing up as the parent you want to be—staying calm during your kids' meltdowns, and meeting their needs and big feelings with patience and empathy—starts with reconnecting with yourself to better understand what you’re feeling, where it’s coming from, and what you need to be your best self.

Which is exactly why I created this course—to help you reconnect with yourself a little bit more each day (even if you only have 15 minutes to spare between your kids' bedtime and your own), thanks to bite-sized lessons you can watch at your own pace.

You know it's time for a change but...

And now...

the idea of adding one more thing to your plate feels overwhelming.

A self-paced online course to help you figure out what's stealing your joy and how to make subtle yet powerful changes, so you can show up more often as the parent you want to be.

OvercomE Your Roadblocks to parental Joy

Enjoying Parenthood


Sign me up!

Client Love

Let's do this!

The third (and final) module is your bridge from introspection to long-term change. In it, I'll give you guidance for how you can continue to prioritize self-growth with ideas to help you continue doing the work you started here, leading to an even bigger shift and lasting change.

Lasting Change


When you enroll in Enjoying Parenthood, you’ll automatically get access to the From Pregnant to Parent Village, a private online community just for our clients.

This community offers a safe space to ask me questions, get encouragement from fellow parents, celebrate even the smallest of victories, and find the support you need when you're feeling stuck—or when you simply need to connect and feel seen.

Starting in 2025, I plan to schedule quarterly Community Workshops to help you go deeper and continue to support you as a person and parent. Plus, you'll get special offers and exciting updates you might not see anywhere else.

PLUS You’ll Get Access to Our Private Online Community

Knowledge is one thing. But knowing what to do with that information? That’s when change happens! In this module, you’ll learn you'll learn 6 of my best tips to start overcoming the barriers to your joy, with tools you can use in your day-to-day life right away. Each tip is a stepping stone to the next, creating a clear pathway for personal growth.

Unlocking Your Joy


We’ll kick things off by discussing the three most common roadblocks to parental joy so you can gain clarity on the “what” (aka the joy-stealers) before we move into the “how” (enjoying parenthood).

Common Roadblocks to Joy


Self-paced learning that fits into your busy schedule whenever it's convenient for you.

What You'll Learn



Regular Price: $49

One-Time Payment

launch celebration sale

The Investment

Are you in?

I believe in the transformative power of this course and want you to feel completely secure in your investment. I stand behind our promise to support you on your parenting journey, ensuring you feel genuinely supported.

If you finish the course and feel like you haven’t received any value, I will gladly provide a full refund. All you have to do is send me an email within 30 days of your purchase that includes your completed coursework from all six lessons in Module 2, along with a brief explanation of why the course didn’t meet your expectations.

Once you've done that, I’ll review your submission and promptly process your refund.

100% Money-Back Guarantee

As a busy mom of two little ones, I know exactly how it feels to love your kids with all of your heart yet feel completely burnt out on parenting. When my firstborn was just 9 months old, I felt like I had completely lost touch with the person I was before I became a parent.

It took me years of hard work, research, and trial and error to find my way back to myself and genuinely start loving my life again. But I feel more like myself than I have in over a decade, and I want to help you do the same!

My expertise comes from my diverse background—from D1 athletics to high-tech management consulting—and my current roles as a parent coach, childbirth professional, and mom of two little ones. I pulled from my personal and professional experiences to create this course for you!

Think of each lesson as a stepping stone guiding you on your journey of personal growth so you can start actively enjoying the phase of life you're in right now instead of just waiting for things to "get better someday."

Parenting will always have its tough days, but with the tools and insights from this course, you'll be better equipped to show up as the parent you want to be and handle the hardest moments with more patience and grace.

You deserve to enjoy your life, feel confident in your parenting, and be the parent you want to be. Join me in doing the work and creating more space for joy in your life!

Hi, I'm Richelle!

FOUNDER, certified Coach, Mom of 2

San Francisco Bay Area, CA

My Certifications

If you’re a parent who wants to better understand what you’re feeling, what you need, and what you can do to start enjoying your life and feeling like yourself again—this course was literally made for you, with actionable tips and none of the judgment.

Why This Course?

Is this right for me?

Still on the fence? Here are a few more reasons to say "Yes!"

Why This Course?

  • This isn’t another course about parenting skills and child behavior (because I know your Instagram feed is already full of scripts and tips for supporting those meltdowns). 

  • This is about helping YOU beyond your role as a parent, so you can take better care of yourself and be the parent you want to be for your child.

  • I have done years of trial and error, learning, and research (as a mom and a professional) so you can save time and energy implementing tools and tips that actually work.

  • When you sign up, you’ll get everything you need to start feeling a shift without having to make a major investment of your time, energy, and money.

Client Love

"Richelle is charting out a new and much-needed model of supporting new parents, and we couldn’t be more grateful to have benefited from her care and guidance."

- Melissa C., Repeat Birth Client

I'm so busy already. How long will it take me to finish the modules?

I'm so busy already. How long will it take me to finish the modules?

Answers to Your Questions


As a fellow busy mom, I get it! Whether you have five minutes or an hour, you can make progress working your way through the modules and exercises. I intentionally kept the lessons inside each module short for exactly this reason! Each lesson takes less than 10 minutes to listen to, and you can listen to the whole thing in under an hour. That being said, the total time commitment is up to you—you can go through the content in one sitting after putting your kid(s) to bed or work through it a little at a time, taking the time to sit with each lesson, reflect, and “do the work.” It’s entirely up to you and how much time you want to spend doing the exercises!

I've already done a lot of personal development work for my emotional intelligence and regulation. Will I learn anything new?

I've already done a lot of personal development work for my emotional intelligence and regulation. Will I learn anything new?

If you've spent years working on your own emotional intelligence, digging into where the hard feelings are coming from, and making a shift, this may not be the course for you. That being said, if you’ve never explored these topics through the lens of parenthood before, the concept of the “mental load” is new to you, or you’re feeling disconnected from yourself, then it’s definitely for you! You just might not get quite as much out of it as someone who hasn’t done that work.

I'm brand new to this kind of personal growth work. Can I still make it work?

I'm brand new to this kind of personal growth work. Can I still make it work?

Absolutely! If you're just starting to scratch the surface of emotional intelligence and regulation (or you’ve never looked at emotional regulation through the lens of parenthood before), then you're in the right place! I made this course with parents like you in mind!

I never invest in myself. How do I know it’ll be worth the money?

I never invest in myself. How do I know it’ll be worth the money?

Taking care of yourself can feel like a luxury rather than a necessity, especially when you’re in the intensive (and expensive) phase of parenting little ones. However, taking care of yourself is also one of the most important things you can do as a parent. When you’re at your best, you can show up as your best self and set a positive example for your children. You could easily spend $27 getting a manicure, and I promise, the benefits of this course will last significantly longer than that polish!

I’ve tried other parenting courses before. How is this one different?

I’ve tried other parenting courses before. How is this one different?

The simplest answer? This isn’t actually a parenting course. While the goal is to help you show up as the parent you want to be, we do this by focusing on you, not your child’s behavior. It’s not about “fixing” your kiddo. This course is all about YOU and what you need to show up as the parent you want to be (which might even positively influence your child’s behavior, but that’s not our primary focus).

What format are the modules in?

What format are the modules in?

You'll have the option to either read or listen to every module depending on your preference! Want to access the course from your phone? After you purchase the course and create your account, all you have to do is download the Mighty Networks app and log in there. Easy peasy!

Is this a good replacement for therapy?

Is this a good replacement for therapy?

While this course offers tools for emotional regulation and a better understanding of your feelings, it's entirely focused on thought exercises, reflection, and practical strategies you can apply directly to your life. It’s a great complement to therapy, but it’s not a replacement or substitute for it.

Are you a therapist or a coach? What’s the difference?

Are you a therapist or a coach? What’s the difference?

I'm glad you asked! I am not a therapist, counselor, psychologist, doctor, or any other kind of licensed healthcare professional. I am a coach. While coaching can feel therapeutic, it’s not a replacement for therapy. Therapy tends to focus on the past to diagnose and treat clients healing from past traumas, whereas coaching is more future- and action-oriented, helping you achieve specific goals, outcomes, or transformations.

  • Your reality as a parent isn’t living up to your expectations. Parenthood just doesn’t feel the way you thought it would.

  • You often feel emotionally drained, resentful, disconnected from yourself, or guilty for not being more present with your kids.

  • You tend to suppress your emotions, grit your way through tough days, and bottle up feelings until you feel like you want to scream (and sometimes, you do).

  • You feel like you’ve been going through the motions, waiting for things to get better, and you’re finally ready to take action.

  • You know prioritizing your needs (as hard as it may be) is key to becoming the parent you want to be—and you're ready to take steps to get there.

This course is perfect for you if...

It’s time to start loving your life as much as you love your little one.

Ready for a change?

You don’t have to keep waiting until the next phase of parenthood or that magical age when you think everything will suddenly change and you’ll start enjoying your life so much more.

It’s possible to start feeling like yourself and loving your life again right NOW. Are you ready to get started?



Regular Price: $49

One-Time Payment

launch celebration sale